Appium Chromedriver example – Run scripts on mobile browser

Welcome to our mini-tutorial series on Appium Chromedriver. This is a series of three to four Appium Chromedriver articles that will help you execute your test scripts on Chrome broswer on a mobile device. The end goal of this tutorial would be to help you setup all the required tools and run a basic automation… Continue reading Appium Chromedriver example – Run scripts on mobile browser

Categorized as Appium

How to use UiSelector to inspect elements on Android

In our Appium Tutorial series, we have covered in detail, the various methods using which you can inspect elements in your mobile app. That article talked about some of the methods (like ID, xPath, ClassName) using which you can identify mobile elements. All these methods are commmon to both Android and iOS. In this article,… Continue reading How to use UiSelector to inspect elements on Android

Categorized as Appium

Appium Scroll Examples

In this article, we will talk about different scroll strategies that you can use in your Appium test scripts. We will also provide detailed appium scroll examples which will help you come up with the best logic for your own scripts. Let us first have a quick look at the topics that we will cover… Continue reading Appium Scroll Examples

Categorized as Appium