Welcome to this new article in our “Appium Tutorial for Beginners” series. In this article, you will see the detailed steps on how you can download and install Appium Inspector for Windows. Appium Inspector is basically an Appium client with its own user interface. It is the GUI tool using which you can inspect elements… Continue reading Appium Inspector – Download and Install
Category: Appium
Appium Inspector Tutorial
In our previous article on Appium Inspector Tutorial series, you saw the detailed steps on how to download and install Appium Inspector. In this article, we will proceed a step further and you will learn about how to specify Appium Server details, set Desired Capabilities and eventually start the Appium Inspector session successfully so that… Continue reading Appium Inspector Tutorial
First Appium Test Script to Launch App on Real Device
First of all – Congratulations!! that you have made it till here in our Appium Tutorial series. I have personally experienced how challenging and daunting it is to download and install all the tools, set up all the environment variables and do all this reading just to get Appium setup up and running. Well, the… Continue reading First Appium Test Script to Launch App on Real Device
Create new Appium project in Eclipse
Welcome to this next article in our Appium setup series. This article would cover in detail, the process of creating an Appium Project in Eclipse. We are trying to keep this process very simple and easy to understand, so we have broken down the complete Appium setup process into multiple articles. Once you complete this… Continue reading Create new Appium project in Eclipse
Appium Java Client Jars Download
This article is a part of our Appium Tutorial series which helps you download the Appium java client jar file. Together with this, we will also provide the details about Appium and Selenium client compatibility matrix. This compatibility matrix will help you identify & download the correct version of selenium client libraries so that there… Continue reading Appium Java Client Jars Download
Install UiAutomator2 Driver
In our previous article on Appium Tutorial series, you learned how to install Appium 2 server using NPM. In this article, we will cover the steps using which you can install UiAutomator2 driver. Before we begin, let us have a quick look at what UiAutomator2 driver is. What is an Appium Driver? As you already… Continue reading Install UiAutomator2 Driver